Saturday, November 11, 2006

Finding the right colors!!

Sometimes we have moments of sadness and desperation
that we want others to tell us:
what to do or how things are going to be or
we just want someone to guide us where to go and
we forgot how to color our world.

Life is so full of surprises and takes our emotions turn upside down.
I don't know if it's good to idealize and apply this phrase:
"Do not fall in love with life cause you always end up married with dead"
...I know it's hard to understand it and to idealize but at the end it's true.

I got myself into a bubble 'cause I don't know:
what's best?
or what to do?
or how things are going to?
...but what I know it's that I'm still into it and I feel anger, hope and jealous,
but at the same time I'm desperate, anxious and nervous
...'cause I'm still into it and I want to get out
...but also 'cause I'm afraid of what I'm going to face.

I have special people in my life that are helping and wants to help me to get out...
but I know that I am the only one who can really help me.
Today I have made a decision
...I'm going to color my world as positive as I can
to gain confidence so I can feel proud of myself.
I'm going to face everything again as it was or as it going to be
...I'm not going to worry and I'm going to maintain my position on life,
I'm not going to get desperate
'cause I'm concentrating myself to find the right colors to my up coming world.

I'm going to create it as magical as it can be, as hopeful as it can be, as priceless as it can be
and special just like me!! ; )

Special Thanks to JT & Mongo


Blogger mayi said...

go ritaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do it, recuerda k "lo imposible es simplemente aquello que nunca nos atrevemos a hacer"

7:07 PM  
Blogger JosepHito said...

volver de ese camino en donde estabas es dificil a veces pero que bueno que sabes que tienes personas que tratan de volver a enseƱarte el camino que tienes que tomar...

que bueno volver a leerte...espero volver a ver brillar la tapita como siempre...

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know that always puedes contar conmigo, para eso estoy manis.
Luv u!!

Tu mongo!!

4:57 PM  

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